Trongsa Tshechu
Start Date: Jan 4, 2020; End Date: Jan 7, 2020; Destination: Trongsa; Venue: Trongsa Dzong
The Trongsa Dzong is one of the grandest Bhutanese monuments. It is built on a ridge & has a very beautiful structure with more than 30 temples. The “watch tower” or the Ta Dzong, overlooking the Dzong on a ridge above the Dzong has a temple to Gesar. The Trongsa tshechu one of the oldest tshechus in Bhutan. It is believed that tshechus in other parts of Bhutan was spread from Trongsa Dzongkhag. All the chams/dances are just like regular tshechu of other Dzongkhags (Rang lug gi Cham). On the last day, a Thongdrol is unfurled.